Episode 03: Fundamentals Part 1 - Behaviors (aka DISC)

Will & Drea discuss the science of behavior known as the DISC assessment.

This begins a 3 part series reviewing the fundamentals of each of the 3 TriMetrix assessments.

Get a better handle on the Doers, Talkers, Pacers, and Controllers in your life and learn how to read DISC graphs yourself.

In This Episode We'll Discus:

  • Why it’s important to measure behavior
  • What each letter in DISC stands for
  • How DISC translates to DTPC (Doer, Talker, Pacer, Controller)
  • What the different scores on the graph mean to you
  • The differences between the Natural and Adapted styles

*Tip: use this podcast as a crash-course in interpreting behavior assessment results. It can help you and others in your organization better understand candidate and employee results yourself!

Stay tuned for Part II: Motivators and Part III: Personal Skills in the coming months.

Looking for more info on a specific assessment topic?
Let us know what you’d like to hear more about!

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